

Top level folder for Files

Merit Badges and Leadership

Current Merit Badge Counsellors and Applications

Camping Trips

Pack lists, Directions, Descriptions, Itineraries of Seasonal and Summer Camp Trips

Honor Patrol Points / Olympics / Stew / Song Book

Olympics https://docs.google.com/document/d/1-YPx8FQcJBmvy_qdPfR4McpJF_Kj2ri1oxAkFTiupZ8/edit?usp=sharing Honor Patrol https://docs.google.com/document/d/1MbJMwJxwfkH63gFdEAw-fcpEdzXz3oCUtFjg7TLuY1w/edit?usp=sharing

Wreath Sales

Wreath Sales documents: introduction and sales materials
Guidelines to ensure proper training, safety and leadership.
Radnor Troop 284 Summer Camp ATTENDANCE Requirements